The Daily CSX Book Review: EHH, a lean, mean street fighter

By Frank N. Wilner, Capitol Hill Contributing Editor, Railway Age Magazine; August 9, 2018

If ever there were a human equivalent to liver and onions—hated or loved, but no in-between—it was the late Ewing Hunter Harrison III, a chief executive of four major North American railroads, personally synonymous with the term “Precision Scheduled Railroading,” and whose mention invokes often disquieting debate on theories of management and how best to deliver shareholder value in the short- and long-term.

Say “Hunter,” and contemporary railroaders know precisely of whom you speak—a most complex disrupter of the status quo, equally identifiable in his bold pinstriped suits and excessive displays of rock-star-like bling conceivably masking a personal insecurity or simply an extension of his childhood infatuation with sequin-festooned showman Elvis Presley.

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