Minnesota: Boosters of second Twin Cities-Chicago train undeterred despite budget snub

By Janet Moore, Star Tribune; July 5, 2019

Rail ad­vo­cates re­main optimistic that a second daily Am­trak train could be add­ed be­tween the Twin Cities and Chi­ca­go, even though the Leg­is­la­ture didn’t fund a $4 mil­lion request to help pay for the pro­ject.

While dis­ap­point­ed, “I think we fi­nal­ly got some mo­men­tum this legis­la­tive ses­sion,” said Mark Vaughan, chairman of the Great River Rail Commission, a group of local gov­ern­ment of­fi­cials in Min­ne­so­ta and Wis­con­sin that sup­port ef­forts to add a se­cond train. He’s hope­ful lawmakers will see fit to fund the project next year.

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